Associazione Italiana di Geografia fisica e Geomorfologia
L’Associazione Italiana di Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia (AIGeo), nata nel 2000, ha deciso di istituire il gruppo dei Giovani Geomorfologi Italiani (Italian Young Geomorphologists – IYG) nel 2013. Lo scopo del Gruppo è quello di mantenere i contatti, condividere informazioni circa eventi, workshops, congressi e tutto ciò di utile alla ricerca scientifica nel campo della Geografia fisica e della Geomorfologia, specificatamente rivolto ai giovani nell’ottica della formazione alla ricerca scientifica stessa. Membri del gruppo sono soci AIGeo under 35 (studenti magistrali, dottorandi, borsisti, assegnisti di ricerca di diversi atenei/istituti di ricerca, o coloro che si occupano di attività e tematiche multidisciplinari e innovative nel campo della Geografia fisica e della Geomorfologia).Il gruppo organizza, con cadenza biennale, gli Young Geomorphologists’ Days, in occasione dei quali sono effettuate escursioni rivolte ai giovani geomorfologi. Inoltre, il gruppo propone l’organizzazione di stage di terreno, corsi e workshops. Gli stage sono concepiti in modo da rappresentare un’esperienza di didattica avanzata ed esperienziale, utile per coadiuvare i partecipanti ad approfondire varie tematiche geomorfologiche direttamente sul terreno.
The Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo), started organizing initiatives addressed to young researchers in 2005, when the first official event was held in Djerba, Tunisia. Since then, the Executive Committee of the AIGeo has continuously paid particular attention to the young geomorphologists through a series of initiatives planned on a regular basis. Besides a reduced rate to be paid for being an AIGeo member, in particular, three have been the categories of initiatives addressed to the youngs (see also the dedicated section on the AIGeo website:
i) Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Days – With a periodicity of 2 years, young geomorphologists are called to show the results of their researches during a dedicated congress, also open to foreign young geomorphologists, that contemplates also short courses and fieldtrips. Up to now, 8 editions have been organized since 2005 and the next one is in preparation for the Autumn, 2021;
ii) Stage for Young Geomorphologists – Young geomorphologists are involved in practical activities like geomorphological mapping and monitoring techniques experimentation on the field. Up to now, 5 editions of the stage have been completed and the next one is in preparation for June, 2021 in cooperation with EGU and IAG;
iii) Grants for supporting the participation of young geomorphologists to courses, workshops and congresses – These economic supports are provided following a selection according to the Curriculum Vitae and publications list of the candidates, and, where requested, the abstract to participate to the congress. Up to now several grants have been provided to youngs, more than 1 per year. In addition, during the 2015 and 2019 Young Geomorphologists’ Days, specific grants to support the participation of foreign young researchers were delivered.
In 2013, during the V Young Geomorphologists Day, held in Rome, the first national representatives of the group (I. M. Bollati and F. Vergari) were selected by the Executive Committee. In 2015, the national representatives’ group was widened inviting other 3 components (G. Amato, L. Coco and M. Prampolini) in order to assist in the organization of the growing number of initiatives. In the last years, the mutual participation to events organised by young researchers from other countries (e.g. Germany, Poland, France and Switzerland) have been strengthened. In 2019, the first formal election of the new national representatives of the Italian Young Geomorphologists was held in Milan, during the VIII Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Days. In this occasion, 4 new national representatives were elected: Mauro Bonasera (as coordinator and also invited member in the AIGeo Executive Committee), Ciro Cerrone (delegate for the international initiatives), Anna Masseroli and Mariacristina Prampolini. The great novelties introduced in the last years have been: i) the participation of the coordinator of the representatives to the Executive Committee meeting as spokesperson on behalf of the group; ii) the increase of the maximum age from 26 to 30 years for taking advantage of the AIGeo reduced rates, and iii) the preparation of a draft of an official Young Geomorphologists’ Statute, to set all the above-mentioned activities of the Young geomorphologists’ Group, as an implementation of the general AIGeo statute, to be proposed to the AIGeo Executive Committee. The last representatives are in charge until Autumn 2021 when new elections will be held during the IX Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Days planned in Palermo.
Since 2013, a regular reportage of the activities, every 6 months, has been prepared by the national representatives and carried out within the AIGeo, during the meeting among the members of the association, in order to show the activities of the groups during each period. Each report is uploaded on the AIGeo website, in a dedicated section. Moreover, a shared file including the competences of each member of the group have been maintained as a sort of showcase to share own research experiences.
Since 2005 until 2020, a long and gradual path has characterized the growth of the Italian Young Geomorphologists Group. The contacts with foreign countries are progressively growing and the establishment of new collaborations with other national groups, who have been previously set or who have started to structure their own framework only recently, is welcome. Last but not least, the important support of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) in pushing young researchers’ activities revealed to be fundamental during the group growth.
Abstract book:
Recently, the important role of young geomorphologists in scientific community has been recognised in most of the European countries, where they are organised in groups at national level, allowing young researchers to share their works and experience. The Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Group (IYG) was officially established in 2013, within the frame of the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo). The members of the IYG group are focused on multi-disciplinary and innovative research activities, including: landslide monitoring and susceptibility assessment; tectonic geomorphology and seismic hazard assessment; geopedology; fluvial geomorphology; dendrogeomorphology; glacial, periglacial and high altitude environment geomorphology; climatology; coastal and submarine geomorphology; geoheritage, geodiversity, geoturism; urban geomorphology; geoarchaeology; planetary geomorphology; habitat mapping and eco-geomorphology; remote sensing GIS, geostatistical analysis, geomorphometry.
Young scientists’ added value consists in their curiosity and opening to new fields of application for geomorphological analysis, going from underwater environment to urban areas (e.g. Urban geomorphology), the capability of crossing borders to study transitional environments (e.g. high altitude environments geomorphology), look at other planets than the Earth (e.g. planetary geomorphology) and analyse the influence of geomorphology on ecosystems. Moreover, young researchers are used to live surrounded by new technologies (e.g. drones) and methodologies (e.g. computer science) that can help in monitoring, modelling and predicting the possible evolution of morphogenetic systems. These new approaches are based on the tricky and fundamental steps of geomorphological mapping and GIS analysis, and are essential in the framework of geomorphological hazards assessment and mitigation.
The interests of the IYG towards new tools and methods for investigating geomorphological hazards and the exchange of ideas with other similar realities all around Europe are expected to increase the quality of the Italian scientific research in applied geomorphology. Hence, the contact with the analogous international groups will be useful for scientific exchange of ideas and opportunities.
Abstract book:
The Val Viola Pass is a transboundary area between Italy (Val Viola Bormina) and Switzerland (Val da Camp), whose evolution has been triggered, since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), by intense reactivation of surface processes. Geomorphological mapping at a scale of 1:5000 provided an understanding of the deglaciation dynamics affecting this region. The geomorphological map (herein presented at scale 1:7000) extends for 5.35 km2 between the elevations of 2305 and 3302 metres above sea level (m a.s.l.). The geomorphological map suggests that the area undergoes geomorphic processes typical of alpine environments of middle latitude, and had experienced a paraglacial-type re-equilibrium related to post-LGM land evolution, with predominant slope and periglacial processes. Moreover, current water action is evident at low elevations. Most of landforms are affected by major regional structures oriented NE-SW. On the Swiss side, specific investigations of the Paradisin rock glacier were performed by Electrical Resistivity Tomography-ERT to determine its internal structure. This was in order to understand its possible cryotic conditions, despite its relict appearance derived from its surface aspect.
In the recent years, all around Europe, young geomorphologists are acquiring an important role inside the scientific community and they are organizing themselves at national levels in order to share their research results and experience in the different branches of Geomorphology. Often, young scientists apply new technologies, enhancing innovative research fields and methods, especially with the aim of monitoring and predicting the possible evolution of morphogenetic systems. These findings are fundamental in the framework of geomorphological hazards and risk scenarios evaluations. The Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo), established in 2000, has the aim of promoting, encouraging and coordinating the researches in the field of Physical Geography and Geomorphology and it is organized in different Working Groups active on different research topics. In 2013, AIGeo decided to build up the new Group of Italian Young Geomorphologists. Up to now, in fact, Young Geomorphologists’ Meetings have been organized every 2 years since 2005 and Geomorphological Survey Stages have been carried out every year since 2009. During these occasions, Young Geomorphologists demonstrated to actively contribute to the researches of the different AIGeo Working Groups. Since its birth, the Italian Young Geomorphologists Group has being organizing activities to allow the coordination and collaboration among its members. Moreover, the contact with the analogous international groups will be useful for scientific exchange of ideas and opportunities. The members of the group are Post-Doc researchers and PhD students coming from different Italian Universities and Research Institutes, who are focused on multi-disciplinary and innovative research activities and topics.
– LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY ASSESSMENT: geomorphological hazard assessment and mapping, geostatistical analysis, physically based models (Cama; Di Michele, Giachetta, Giacopetti, Gioia, Mancinelli. Sciarra, Vergari)
– DEBRIS FLOW SUSCEPTIBILITY: geomorphological hazard and modelling (Scorpio, Cama)
– SOIL EROSION: slope erosion modelling and badland monitoring, geomorphological hazard, quantitative geomorphology (Coco, Giachetta, Gioia, Pulice, Vergari)
– FLUVIAL AND HYDRO GEOMORPHOLOGY: recent channel adjustments, alluvial fan susceptibility, flood hazard assessment and mapping, hydrologic modeling (Bollati, Cavitolo, Giachetta, Giacopetti, Gioia, Scorpio)
– COASTAL AND SUBMARINE GEOMORPHOLOGY: geomorphological evolution, climatic variations and sea level changes (Mucerino, Prampolini)
– TECTONIC GEOMORPHOLOGY: Long-term landscape evolution (Cavitolo, Giachetta, Gioia, Urbano)
– GEOMORPHOSITES, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS: monitoring, enhancement and educational applications, analysis of the relation between war events and geomorphology (Bollati, Pica,
– DENDROGEOMORPHOLOGY AND CLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONS: spatio-temporal analysis of past and recent geomorphological events, past climate reconstructions by means of dendroclimatology (Bollati, Gioia, Leonelli, Pulice)
Each of these research fields is based on the tricky and fundamental steps of geomorphological mapping and GIS analysis. The interests of the Italian Young Geomorphologists Group towards new tools and methods for investigating geomorphological hazards and the exchange of ideas with other similar realities all around Europe are expected to increase the quality of the Italian scientific research in the applied geomorphological fields of research.
Regolamento dei Giovani Geomorfologi Italiani (GGI)
(Italian Young Geomorphologists – IYG)
L’importanza del ruolo dei giovani geomorfologi nella comunità scientifica è stata riconosciuta in molti paesi europei, dove essi sono organizzati in gruppi nazionali. In questo contesto, il gruppo dei Giovani Geomorfologi Italiani (GGI; Italian Young Geomorphologists – IYG) è stato istituito nel 2013, all’interno dell’Associazione Italiana di Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia (AIGeo), ed ufficializzato nel 2021 con l’inserimento dell’articolo 18 nel Regolamento dell’Associazione stessa. Lo scopo del gruppo è quello di mantenere i contatti tra i giovani ricercatori nazionali ed internazionali al fine di presentare progetti, lavori, condividere la loro esperienza scientifica, incentivare scambi di informazioni circa eventi, workshops, congressi e tutte le attività di formazione riservate ai giovani nell’ambito del settore della Geografia fisica e della Geomorfologia.
Art.1 – Composizione del gruppo
Il gruppo IYG è composto dai soci AIGeo di età non superiore a 35 anni. I membri del gruppo sono studenti magistrali, dottorandi, borsisti, assegnisti di ricerca di diversi atenei/istituti di ricerca, professionisti, o coloro che si occupano di attività e tematiche anche multidisciplinari e innovative nel campo della Geografia fisica e della Geomorfologia. L’elenco dei membri del gruppo IYG viene aggiornato annualmente in base ai dati forniti dalla Segreteria AIGeo, in modo da inserire i nuovi iscritti ed eliminare i soci non in regola con l’iscrizione o che non rispettino più i requisiti di età.
Art.2 – Coordinatori del gruppo
Il gruppo IYG individua al proprio interno 4 figure di coordinamento, di cui un referente, incaricato di rappresentare il gruppo all’interno del Consiglio Direttivo AIGeo, ed un delegato, con il compito di mantenere i rapporti con le associazioni estere. I coordinatori si occupano della gestione di social media e mailing-list del gruppo giovani ed inoltre, affiancano gli organizzatori delle varie iniziative AIGeo.
Art.3 – Elezioni dei coordinatori
I coordinatori vengono eletti dai componenti del gruppo ogni tre anni, con elezioni da svolgersi in concomitanza e con le stesse modalità di quelle del Consiglio Direttivo. Elettori e candidati devono essere in regola con l’iscrizione all’AIGeo. Possono candidarsi tutti i membri del gruppo che non abbiano superato i 32 anni d’età nell’anno delle elezioni e non abbiano già svolto due mandati in veste di coordinatori. Per avanzare la propria candidatura è necessario inviare alla segreteria dell’Associazione una lettera di presentazione scritta dal candidato un mese prima delle elezioni. A seguito delle elezioni verranno scelti i 4 candidati che otterranno il maggior numero di preferenze; in caso di parità verrà selezionato il candidato più giovane. Ciascun elettore potrà esprimere due preferenze. In caso di rinuncia durante il mandato da parte di uno dei coordinatori si procederà ad individuare un sostituto seguendo la graduatoria elettorale.
Art.4 – Attività
Il gruppo organizza, con cadenza biennale, gli Young Geomorphologists’ Days, in occasione dei quali sono effettuate escursioni rivolte ai giovani geomorfologi. Inoltre, il gruppo propone al CD dell’AIGeo l’organizzazione di stage di terreno, corsi e workshops. Gli stage sono concepiti in modo da rappresentare un’esperienza di didattica avanzata ed esperienziale, utile per coadiuvare i partecipanti ad approfondire varie tematiche geomorfologiche direttamente sul terreno. È prevista la presentazione di un report delle attività di tutti i membri del gruppo nell’ambito delle assemblee dell’associazione. Il report, consultabile sul sito AIGeo nella sezione Giovani, è redatto sulla base delle informazioni fornite da ciascun membro attraverso la compilazione di un file condiviso.
Art.5 – Social media e mailing-list
Il gruppo IYG si impegna a diffondere le iniziative provenienti da altre associazioni nazionali e internazionali tramite mailing list e social network. Per quanto riguarda la pagina Facebook, sarà possibile pubblicare immagini, avviare discussioni sulle tematiche proprie del gruppo, condividere informazioni su corsi e tutto ciò che si ritenga utile ai fini della ricerca nell’ambito geomorfologico e pubblicizzare articoli scientifici a tema. Per quanto riguarda la pagina Instagram, sarà rivolta ad un pubblico più vasto con scopi divulgativi sulla geomorfologia.