On the Mediterranean Coastal Environment
Conference chair and co-chairs
Erdal Özhan, Middle East Tech. Univ., Ankara, Turkey
VittorioBarale, Joint Research Centre of the EC, Ispra, Italy
Giuliano Fierro, University of Genoa, Italy
Umberto Simeoni, University of Ferrara, Italy
MEDCOAST conferences always aim to achieve very high levels of scientific and professional qualities. At the same time, they are relaxed and enjoyable events carried out in a casual, friendly atmosphere. Together with the fourth conference, the poster sessions have achieved a great importance and became an important part of the conference program. Another welcomed change was the inclusion of thematic short workshops and discussion sessions, organised in collaboration with other fellow institutions.
With MEDCOAST 03, the conference moves to an ancient town on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. We expect to have another successful event in the magnificent setting offered by Ravenna, enhanced by the rich Italian culture (including the cuisine and wine!) and hospitality. Scientists, experts, managers, planners, policy makers, resource developers, users and conservationists from both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea countries, or from outside the basins, are cordially invited to participate!