AIGEO homepage

About us

The Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology was established in 2000 by the former "National Group of Physical Geography and Geomorphology" of the National Research Council. The non-profit Association has the aim of promoting, encouraging and coordinating the researches in the fields of Physical Geography and Geomorphology. It also intends to promote educational events for physical geographers and geomorphologists and to help the dissemination of environmental and landscape knowledge.

Join us!

Join the AIGeo means contributing to the development and dissemination of knowledges in the fields of Physical Geography and Geomorphology. It means instilling the environmental culture in the new generations. It means being always  up to date about the scientific and educational outcomes, in order to be good researchers, teachers and pratictioners. It means joining an open community, in which all -individuals, organizations, institutions and enterprises- can become leading actors towards the achievement of the environmental sustainable development.

Working group

L’analisi del rilievo in aree tettonicamente attive può contribuire in maniera sostanziale all’identificazione di strutture attive e alla quantificazione dei…

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