10th International Conference on Geomorphology –12-16 September 2022, Coimbra – Portugal


Session ICG2022-24 on Geoheritage, Cultural Geomorphology and Geotourism

Conveners: Paola Coratza, Zbigniew Zwoliński, José Brilha, Nickolas Zouros, António Vieira


Since the mid-2000s, the interest for the heritage value of geology and geomorphology has dramatically accelerated in several parts of the world, in relation to geoconservation, geotourism and geopark issues. In this context, the IAG Working Groups on Geomorphosites and on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity have acted as the main arena for the development of a specific field of research on geomorphosites and geodiversity. We invite authors to submit oral and posters presentations on any aspects relevant to geoheritage, geodiversity, geotourism, geoparks, world heritage, and protected areas, including current methods of research used by the international and national scientific communities, from the global to the local scales. Contributions are welcome on theoretical views and classifications, geomorphosites and geodiversity assessment approaches also in the context of climate change, studies linking geoheritage, human history and cultural heritage, geoparks and geoheritage conservation, management, and promotion, geotourism practice and potential, educational aspects of geoheritage and geodiversity, and other relevant topics within these themes.

Important deadlines:
Abstract submission is 20 April 2022 (extended!)
Full details of the abstract submission can be found at:


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